Friday, December 12, 2008


Don't be deceived. I know many of you are good and strive to live a better life as a better person. But don't be tricked. If you don't seek out God's truth you're living in Satan's masquerade. Of course you don't understand what I mean there because you don't want to believe it. You want to feel safe as a you are, you want to be comfortable as you are. You are accustom to the sinful life you live in.

Take me for example. Over the course of 15 years of my life this is what slowly transpired:

Sure looking at pornography wasn't bothering me back then. I had plenty of photos on my computer and I spent plenty of time looking at these girls. When my wife left for work I headed straight to my computer to find the newest girls posting their photos. Slowly my love for my wife fell short and it made her feel less loved and honestly speaking this was true I didn't love my wife as I should have. I didn't respect my children as a father should have. My marriage was heading down hill because I willfully disobeyed God and I willfully let Satan into my life. This is a bigger story than what I want to share here but understand this...

The path of God is narrow. If you don't listen to the warnings of the Holy Spirit you can find yourself off the path quickly. First it's a beautiful grassy prairie with nice flowers and a deep blue sky. There's nothing wrong here I just told a little white lie. Soon one lie leads to another and the grass is just fine here as well so it seems. You check out the new girl at work wandering what she would look like naked. One hot chick right? Speaking of hotties, there's a ton of liberally naked gals on the internet. Your neighbor gets a fancy new car and you envy him and hate him for what he has. But you live a good life but why don't God let you have a new car? In that small paragraph so many commandments are broken. Even if they wasn't commandments you would still feel bad over those feelings if just sat down and looked at yourself. After many years off the path you find yourself in a barren and forsaken wasteland.

Okay by now you can't even make out where the path was at but that's ok with you since everything "seems" fine. I mean nothing bad has happened so everything must in fact be good. You only broke a handful of God's commandments right and God is a merciful God right? We bank on that.

I don't know if this is everyone but at the the end of the day when it was just me alone in bed I still had an emptiness and a feeling of loneliness in my heart. I thought my marraige was Ok I thought my kids were fine. But I was easy to anger, quick to defend, and easy to offend others. I didn't realize how much I had changed and how much I didn't like who I had become. My wife's love faded and my kids didn't want to listen to us. My life, my marriage, my soul was teatering on the event horizon. Everything wasn't fine as the world lead me to believe.

So please understand the deception isn't quick, it isn't a hard proven lie and it isn't obvious. There's a fight for your soul going on between good and evil. Evil, a quite and slow monster, sneaks up on you like a cancer. Not likely to be discovered until it is too late. But there is hope....

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