Saturday, January 31, 2009

Standing in the Hands of a Living God

Stop for another moment and look at the things you try to hide from your family and friends. Those magazines you have stashed in your closet. The video and pictures you have hidden on your computer. To God it's no secret. He's better than CIA at detecting what's really going on in your heart.

Hebrews 10:31 (New American Standard Bible)

It is a terrifying thing to fall into the hands of the living God.

Can you imagine for a moment that if your heart stopped and you fell dead this very second, what you might face on the other side? What sins you try to hide from God. What doubt you have in his existence. What hate, envy, lust you harbor. How many times you have put God in last place? What do you think you can hide from your creator? Everything will be stripped away in the blink of an eye.

Some of you think God doesn't exist but are you really just afraid to acknowledge that there is a higher power you could be held accountable to? What is so horribly wrong and so severely binding with believing?

I'm sorry I don't have a lot to say here today. But just ponder for today what it's going to be like, to fall into that hands of the living God.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Evolutionary Divide Theory

Animals are ruled by the laws of nature and experience evolutionary changes through the guidance of natural selection and adaption. This is what Darwin came to understand in his Theory of Evolution. I can accept that based on a number of details contained with in the Bible.

On the other hand modern man does not fall into this category because he was created in the likeness of God. A God who does not change.

Let's look at the scriptures below: Green needs to be paid special attention to. Blue is God talking.

Genesis 1:11-13 (New International Version)

Then God said, "Let the land produce vegetation: seed-bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with seed in it, according to their various kinds." And it was so. The land produced vegetation: plants bearing seed according to their kinds and trees bearing fruit with seed in it according to their kinds. And God saw that it was good. And there was evening, and there was morning—the third day.

Genesis 1:20-23

And God said, "Let the water teem with living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth across the expanse of the sky." So God created the great creatures of the sea and every living and moving thing with which the water teems, according to their kinds, and every winged bird according to its kind. And God saw that it was good. God blessed them and said, "Be fruitful and increase in number and fill the water in the seas, and let the birds increase on the earth." And there was evening, and there was morning—the fifth day.

Genesis 1:24-25

And God said, "Let the land produce living creatures according to their kinds: livestock, creatures that move along the ground, and wild animals, each according to its kind." And it was so. God made the wild animals according to their kinds, the livestock according to their kinds, and all the creatures that move along the ground according to their kinds. And God saw that it was good.

God had established the rules by which everything was to be played out. Plants on dry land, plants in the oceans. Birds, fish, and animals both sea and land. Then God created man.

Genesis 1:26-27

Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground."

So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.

There we can see a big difference "according to their kinds" and "in his own image" that difference shows a divide in the design of animal and man. This scripture also uses man in a plural form sense when the scripture reads "and let them rule..." which tells me multiple humans are existing.

Now simply speaking time is only relevant to the place you are standing and how you measure it. According to Einstein it was. His theory of time slowing down or speeding up is based on the amount of gravity and several other things that are present in his General Theory of Relativity. God was there before the creation, so time was based on his "God clock" not the Earth's 24 hour day that we use. So anyone that lays claim that the Earth was created 6000 Earth years ago is pretty much wrong, even in the eyes of the Bible. Read this:

Psalm 90:4

For a thousand years in your sight are like a day that has just gone by, or like a watch in the night.

2 Peter 3:8 (New International Version)

But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day.

God is not bound by time like we are. If you look at this link below it show evidence of humanoid creatures that date back before the Bible indicates. The God Clock solves this problem of carbon dating.

I'm not sure if Moses was trying to do some back dating or fine tuning because the eraser wasn't invented yet but we see some additional information being added here in Genesis Chapter 2.

Genesis 2:4

This is the account of the heavens and the earth when they were created. When the LORD God made the earth and the heavens-

Genesis 1:26-27 talk about the creation of man as a species. Then we have the creation of Adam in Genesis 2:7. But why? My guess would be this creation was special.

Genesis 2:7

The LORD God formed the man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being

"the man" and "his nostrils" implies one man was made. A single person, a special person. But just previously we seen in Genesis 1:26-28 man was already formed. Again we're on God time so understand the Bible shows man already existed in form when Adam was specially created. I wasn't there 5000 years ago when the Bible was being written and later assembled. But to me, if Genesis reads in chronological order, it shows that the human race already existed when the perfect Adam was created. Cain, who is Adam's son, after he kills his brother says...

Genesis 4:14

"Today you are driving me from the land, and I will be hidden from your presence; I will be a restless wanderer on the earth, and whoever finds me will kill me."

He feared others might kill him because other humans had already been on the land.

Genesis 4:17

Cain lay with his wife, and she became pregnant and gave birth to Enoch. Cain was then building a city, and he named it after his son Enoch

Again, I'm no expert but to read the Bible with the understanding of God's clock and Genesis being in chronological order. We can say Cain's wife was already on planet Earth.

With this understanding that there was TWO lines of humans, One created with a divine purpose and another already living under the laws of nature.

My theory is, God wanted to create another human race one that had direct contact with their creator. Because the first humans were not doing well with the guidance of nature. I imagine God seen a greater potential in humans so he created Adam. Otherwise they were basically just another animal in the great circle of life. (Que the lion king music.) Not long after the creation of second humans God destroyed the entire world in the great flood. To wipe the humans and early creations away who failed to come to God through Adam and Eve. The creations who knew God personally.

This leaves lots of open questions on God's will and power. I've got theories on those that fit into this scenario. More to come, but not in this post.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

GOD FIRE, Do you have it?

(This is a continuation of the previous post)
I was sitting in church and during the sermon this popped in my head. I had to poke the wife to give me a pen to write this down. It makes sense to me, I just hope it makes sense to you.

GOD FIRE, Do you have it?

First-preceding all others in time, order, or importance.
Intercession-Prayer, petition, or entreaty in favor of another; the act of interceding.
Requires-to demand as necessary or essential : have a compelling need for.
Effort-conscious exertion of power; hard work; a serious attempt.

We have to put God FIRST in our lives. We have to get past, go around, get over, put aside, ignore, rebuke, anything little or big that puts God in any other place that first. That means if we have bills that are stretching every penny to the limits we can't spend day and night worrying about this. If giving an offering conflicts with the funds on new stereo system then you best give your offering before putting down money on the stereo. You should keep your mind clear to were every moment you can praise God for what he has given you. If you can't do that right this second then you need to check yourself.

Next we have to be willing to go out and make an intercession with friends, family, and strangers. WITNESS to those people that need Christ. It's not something up to debate. Jesus told us to go unto all the world and spread his word. It was his commandment.

Mark 16:15
And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.

Marcos 16:15
Y les dijo: "Vayan por todo el mundo y prediquen el evangelio a toda criatura.

God requires us to make a purpose driven effort to spread the Word of Jesus. It is essential for the lost to hear it so they may be saved. We save them from Hell by spreading Jesus's perfect love. Let them know God doesn't want them to go to hell. Nor does He want them to be slaves to his will. There is freedom in Christ and it may be only by demonstration in you that they may find it.

And we must do this with serious effort. It's something we have to be willing to do at any moment of the day. Share when you are in line at McDonald's or sitting down eating lunch at work. You can be sharing God's word from under your welding helmet like my mother did. I found 2 doorways opened to me yesterday with coworkers You have to make an effort to do this all the time. If anything gets it the way you better fix why God isn't first.

Now ask yourself...

GOD FIRE, Do you have it?

Saturday, January 24, 2009

How hot are you?

So I was thinking about how many churches are on fire for God. People show up Sunday morning and have a quite well organized service. They don't want to upset anyone or really bring anyone new in. They sing a few songs and pass around the offering plate. Then let out at 12:00 sharp because they have a roast in the oven. Might as well attend a PTA meeting.

Then you have some churches that are really big but try to cater to everyone they can because there is strength in numbers. They preach good heart warming sermons to keep the numbers up because heating bill won't pay themselves. They have huge and impressive buildings the tower over the streets below. But then, the numbers are so great nobody knows anyone unless they happen to live in the same neighborhood or work at the same place.

Some Churches are on the brink. One single person could speak up with a "Praise the lord!" and the place could burst into a wonderful melody of glorious praise for a short time. They are close to being exactly what the church needs to be but can't quite grasp the plan God put before them. Sort of lost most of the time, wandering looking for the right path.

Then you have the less common Church that radiate the heart of God. You can feel the presence of the Holy Spirit in these places. You almost want to fall on your knees or jump with delight here. Almost everyone sings. Almost everyone prays. The youth are on fire inside the church but tend to be someone else outside and everyone else leaves God at the door.

These rare churches are packed with fire billowing out the door. God can not be contained here. He's spoken of with reverence and praise. The youth are on fire the congregation never want to leave. They work constantly to reach out to the lost. It's not about the building or saving face. They have found that true purpose of the church is not to be contained with in the walls but to be out searching for the lost. So easy to obtain because this is what God wants!

Jeremiah 23:29

Is not my word like as a fire? saith the LORD; and like a hammer that breaketh the rock in pieces?
Jeremías 23:29

¿No es mi palabra como un fuego,dice Jehová, y como un martillo que quebranta la piedra?

Check yourselves. If you don't feel the power of God in your life every waking and sleeping moment you need to core focus. We all as Christians should be showing the fire in our souls openly to everyone on the face of this planet. We should be overjoyed at Church.

God give me the boldness and strength to show my fire to everyone! Amen. I know it's hard and I am fighting my own limitations that I place on myself. And for those who know me in person, know this time is now. I have promised to push forward for Jesus Christ. God is first.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Tastie Fruit!

I've come to an understanding with atheist. Atheist simple do not believe in God or a higher power. Period. Anything else is debatable.

Lets for a few minutes talk about how many different fruits there are in the world. To save on space I linked to a few extensive list to browse. Take your time and then pop back in here to read on.

Wikipedia List of Culinary Fruits

111 Fruits to Eat Before You Die

Man that's a lot of fruit! So many question!

Why so many fruits? I guess because there are so many species of plants. But...

How did all these plants figure out how to make fruit? Then make them so that animals, bugs, and people like it?

Are plants really smart enough to know how not kill us with their fruits? I've been told if you eat some red berries they can kill you.

I've been told some berries taste good to get the birds to eat them to spread their seeds around in their droppings. Some fruits have specially formed skins or shells that protect them in the animals digestive tracks. So...

How did the plants figure this tactic out?

Does evolution work psychically? How else is the seed in the squirrel's stomach suppose to tell the plant it's a failed mission. Tiny radios?

"Mission Control this is Seed 1. Come in Mission Control."
"Go ahead Seed 1 this is Mission Control."
"Mission Control I have a breech in the outer hull, loosing life support, all system down!"
"Mayday Mayday! Seed 1 Going Down!!"

I don't think so.

So how do plants, our wonderful providing companion, know what they know and do what they do?

Explain it to me please. Because the only real explanation I can come up with is right here:

Genesis 1:11-13 (New International Version)

Then God said, "Let the land produce vegetation: seed-bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with seed in it, according to their various kinds." And it was so. The land produced vegetation: plants bearing seed according to their kinds and trees bearing fruit with seed in it according to their kinds. And God saw that it was good. And there was evening, and there was morning—the third day.

Genesis 1:29-30 (New International Version)

Then God said, "I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food. And to all the beasts of the earth and all the birds of the air and all the creatures that move on the ground—everything that has the breath of life in it—I give every green plant for food." And it was so.

So here's a good chance to show me plants are just a random chance not a creation of God. Good Luck! If you all want to discuss engineered fruits like the banana go see Ray.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

What's with tags?

I put on my shirt and I have a tag that just bugs the living daylights out of me. I try to pull the tag off but if I do, there's a good chance that I will rip my shirt and make it an embarrassing shirt to wear. Sometimes they put tags or labels right on the front, like those little alligators. Drives me nuts!

There's tags on pillows and those things are like a foot long. They stick out from the pillow case and will flap around in my face when I try to sleep. Same thing on a mattress. It's like they dare you to yank that tag off and just to make it more exciting they stamp


Muhahaha! Rippp!!!!

Even the cushions on my couch have tags, every single cushion has it's own tag. Inside the hip on my pants they put a tag. Just low enough it rubs the side of my leg raw. Seriously what's the deal with tags? They should be made to dissolve in water the first time you wash them. Yes, even the stupid little alligator must go.

Who really likes any tag or label on the clothes they wear?

Over in the black market trade, tags and labels are very important. It's a sign of authenticity, the real deal. You can go to a smaller country have them make some high quality reproductions really cheap and sell them for 500% profit easy.

We all have our own labels.
Assembly of God
Wash Warm on Gentle Cycle
Towel Dry

Then we use the labels to keep us together. God forbid we mix our qualities and chance ruining the entire load. But how are these labels going to strengthen the body of Christ here on Earth if we stay seperated?

Ok let's start trimming this label down so we can make a bigger more efficient load. We can easily remove, Male and White, pretty easy these days with equality and racism coming to an end.

We have to over come our fears and put aside our prejudice of gays. When you first witness to a homosexual you have to look beyond that. First things first you have to be able to deliver the seed. Let the seed grow in them and things will change in their lives. It's not our job to condemn them but to save them.

John 3:17 (New International Version)

For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.

Protestant and Assembly of God is just a tiny part of the Church of Jesus Christ. We have to look over the walls we build between our churches and bring ourselves together.

Our nationality can be a problem. We've got our fingers in a lot of peoples diner plates right now. But you can overcome your own prejudice and not hold individuals responsible for their entire nation. I can't look at a Russian person with the distrust our governments have.

We have to know that Wash warm on Gentle cycle is out the window. It's not a easy task but the joy of doing God's work will overcome anything the world sets against us. Spit on twenty times but saved one soul. Look at what Jesus did for us. Look how he took the worst punishment ever given to any human that was willfully received. Then on top of that, Jesus asked God to forgive them.

So we are left with....

All temperature safe
Mix with all others

God Bless!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Importance of Proper Training

Today I had the distinct honor of having several vials of blood taken from my arms to conduct HIV and other blood test. The young airman taking the blood tied the rubber strap around my bicep and searched my arm for a fat vein. Then he asked if I had drank much water that morning because he's having troubles finding a good vein. I answered that I hadn't drank much since it was still early. I don't care to watch them take the blood so I focus on something else while he continues.

So anyways he poke my arm and fishes around to pierce a vein but nothing comes out. Not a single drop of blood. So he removes the needle and goes to my other arm. Put the band on my bicep, smacks my arm a few times, and pokes the needle and hits the vein. One vial fills, the second fills but it's slowing down, the third vial gets a drop or two and stops filling. He starts wiggling the needle and pushing around and it's starting to get rather painful. He's confused and quickly says oh that's enough and puts a band aid on my arm and sends me out.

Do you see where he went wrong? He never removed the band from my bicep so there was no blood flowing into that vein.

If this young man would of applied proper training he would of completed this Job quickly and achieved better results. Also experience and proper supervision would of helped him and his patient not suffer so significantly. I have seen people nearly die because someone did not properly follow technical data. I have seen millions of dollars in damage because someone was not giving proper attention to detail. I've been lucky enough to be in the right spot at the time to stop a person who thought they knew what they was doing but they was doing it wrong and could have caused an aircraft to crash.

Jesus tells us:

Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age. Matthew 28:19-20

Do you see that...Teaching them.

Before we teach them we need to be properly trained. This is a requirement for me in the military. Before I can train someone I have to be proficient and qualified on the task first. If I'm not both me and the person I am training could get hurt.

This directly applies to us Christian. We're commanded to go forth to all nations and teach them. There are several training tools out here on the web and probably the best tool is your Bible. You may need to look at several modern translations to find the one that is best for you to understand. I like the Bible called "The Evidence Bible" from You may find "The Message" Bible easier to understand or the popular NIV version.

Also check out for good instructions on how to witness. You may need to tweak the process a bit for you but it's a really solid way of witnessing. Also you need to understand that your personal experience is a wonderful tool to use with friends and family.

It's very important to know what questions a non-believer is going to ask you. So you might want to search out some atheist websites and prepare for the hard questions. Some people will purposely try to trip you up with asking questions like "Why does God allow Christians to have cancer?" Why do children suffer and die of disease?

If you want to discuss this pop over to the main website using the links at the top of this blog.

God Bless Guys!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Ghost and Hauntings - Spiritual Warfare.

I've been long interested in the study of Ghost and the paranormal. I've actually done some ghost hunting long before this current rash of entertainment you see on TV. I've read plenty of books and done a wide range of research online. Now I know many Christians will think of this as messing with demons, black magic, witchcraft, etc., things that are better left alone. This is true but when I was a young boy my grandfather died from a car accident. After he passed away I know he went on to Heaven but for some reason my Grandmothers house developed a haunting.

This is what would happen. When we was in the front room we all could clearly hear someone open the back door to the porch, walk across the porch and then hear the door open to the house, walk into the kitchen, down the hall and then stop just short of the living room. This I know was residual spiritual energy of my grandfather and it was always happening. Why it was there is what sparked my interest. Now I don't interact with the spirits, I never have and I never will. I don't hold any desire for those dark ways. The Bible clearly says we are not to mess with them in Deuteronomy 18:10-11. So scroll down some and continue reading.
The Bible talks of Ghost and confirms they do exist.

Luke 24:38-40 “Why are you frightened?” he asked. “Why are your hearts filled with doubt? Look at my hands. Look at my feet. You can see that it’s really me. Touch me and make sure that I am not a ghost, because ghosts don’t have bodies, as you see that I do.” As he spoke, he showed them his hands and his feet.

There, Jesus says "Ghost", which to me shows there are in fact Ghost. He didn't say demon or devil here and I'm sure if Jesus did mean demon the translation would of held that.

1 John 4:1-2 Dear friends, do not believe everyone who claims to speak by the Spirit. You must test them to see if the spirit they have comes from God. For there are many false prophets in the world. This is how we know if they have the Spirit of God: If a person claiming to be a prophet acknowledges that Jesus Christ came in a real body, that person has the Spirit of God.

Here we are told to test the spirits as in the scripture above because they are not always as they seem. That's why you need to understand that spirits come in different forms. Demons, Angels, Ghost, and in this scripture the Spirit of God, The Holy Ghost.

Hauntings are evidence of a spiritual world. Records have flooded history and they are still coming in to this very day. I've had experience with Ghost through photographs and audio recordings. I've visited cemeteries and gloomy places after dark to catch photographic evidence. You should know demons also like to impersonate and this includes the dead. That's why you should never mess with Ouija boards or hold a seance. When you do this the demons can freely attach themselves to you with little or no effort at all. This doesn't mean that they can't effect you because they can even effect a Christian if they fail to maintain the armor of God.

Deuteronomy 18:10-11 And do not let your people practice fortune-telling, or use sorcery, or interpret omens, or engage in witchcraft, or cast spells, or function as mediums or psychics, or call forth the spirits of the dead.

There are powerful spirits and weak spirits. Good spirits and bad, and bad that will act good just to get you to interact with them. They have many ways abilities that can effect your spirit and mood. They can oppress you with depression, doubt, fear, anxiety, nervousness, and forgetfulness just to name a few ways. Not to mention they can effect you physically as well such as headaches, aggravated pains, or twitches.

Something I want you to understand is people of little faith or are unbelievers should not mess with or try to force a spirit out of another person or place. That is extremely dangerous for you and them.

One of the TV shows I watch most is on Discovery Channel and it's called "A Haunting" which is a show that only recreates on the events that have happened. They do a pretty good job since I've seen them do reenactments of hauntings I've read about some time before. My point is time and time again people on this show who try to force the spirits out only anger or stir up the spirits making matters worse.

Spiritual Warfare isn't a game. If you don't know where you stand spiritually with God or you don't know how to pray for spiritual defense you need to find someone who does and who can teach you. One place I have been researching is, there are several books and local churches (I suggest Protestant) that can help you as well. But the best book you can read is your Bible. First things first though, You have to turn your life over to Jesus, repent and turn away from your sinful life, and trust in him. Completely accept God with your whole heart and confess that this is something you can not defeat on your own. That is the key to this, but if you are not sincere and do not follow through with your commitment to God the spirits will know and will come at you ten fold.

I'll still be working on this as this is a very broad and somewhat dangerous topic. If you have any questions you can email me through the links on my website and I can put you in contact with people that can help you or I can direct you to information. If you have problems don't hesitate to post on my website forums asking for prayer. The forum is being watched by several friends in several churches all around the world and we can have hundreds of people on your side in a matter of hours.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Problems with the pride

I was just starting to do some research for my first college course on the New Testament and I come across this forum called Women on Faith on the Washington Post website. Here's the title of the post and the message:

Why Does Homosexuality Threaten Religion?

Today's guest moderator is Melissa Etheridge, an Academy Award-winning and two-time Grammy Award-winning American rock singer, songwriter and musician. (I guess that qualifies her on this issue)

Why are so many religions threatened by homosexuality? As we ease ourselves into the big change now, thoughts of how we conduct ourselves as a new society open up. We begin to see the dogmas of old that have ruled our collective agreements start to crumble. Why? Because they are based in fear and not spirit, fear of the body, fear of sexuality. These things were to be thought of as wrong and sinful. So it just follows that homosexuality, at its core being love and sex that is not for procreation, would be viewed as wrong and sinful and feared. We need to grow up and grow into the spirit of knowing our bodies are a beautiful gift from God. Love is all there is, and love is never wrong. Why should we be threatened by love?

Melissa, I'm sorry but you've got it all backwards. Religions are not threatened by homosexuality. Homosexuality is threatened by all religions. Our collective agreements against homosexuality is based on God's law. Not fear. There is no fear in God. God created sexuality for procreation and intimate relationships between a man and a woman. These things are not thought on because the statement has been made. They are sinful because it's against the natural order of things, it's against procreation, it's against the word of God. You said, "We need to grow up and grow into the spirit of knowing our bodies are a beautiful gift from God." this might be true but when used in that post it's nothing but straight up blasphemy in all religions.

I can deal with gay couples that live like normal everyday people. They don't try to attract attention to themselves no more than everyone else in society. Besides, when's the last time you seen a straight parade?

I can understand and accept people truly loving each and wanting to live together as companions. It's when lust is purposely called love to make your sins feel justified that makes your case unstable in my eyes. Then when society starts becoming ok with the lust/love change, it becomes obvious things are crumbling in the wrong areas.

Now before you attack me claiming I hate homosexuals or if you want to challenge my statement with me standing on the words of the Bible, you're wrong.

I don't hate anyone. I'm not working on this website and this blog to burn the bridges between myself and those I want to reach. By Gods great power and grace I'm praying this doesn't do that. I'm all for equal rights and we have that in this country. Each individual person has the exact same rights as the person on the others side of this county. Great people in our history have fought and died and still die for these equal freedoms.

We are all sinners in the eyes of God. We all fall short of his glory and it's through Jesus Christ we acheive worth to enter into Heaven.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The Worshiping Angels

I know many atheist hate the fact that if they was to believe in God and followed him; they would be forced into worshiping a "self centered God" who only desire is to be worshiped.


Could you imagine for a moment that when the first creation of God's came into being it wasn't created to worship him but to be his companion. When the creation recognized the creators great love and great strength and great power the creation worshiped him because he was worthy of worship. In the society of Heaven, things are run justly and true and the population of Heaven worship the creator because he was worthy of worship.

When God created Earth and created beings made of flesh, spirit, and soul and he created them perfectly as companions. They were a new perfect beings put over the Angels. God is just and righteous and loving and the Angels understood this and they worshiped him. Well, all but a few. Satan grew jealous at these new creations and caused them to sin against God. So now you can understand that all of God's creations have a free will.

This new sin caused an eternal stain upon all future generations. Just as genetics pass on physical traits, genetics of the soul pass on the eternal sin.

God didn't make Hell for mankind he made it for Satan. God didn't create the lake of fire, Satan did it for God's creations that he hates and envies so very much. Hell is a absence of God, so what ever Satan does there isn't for or against God's will since God isn't there because it is Hell. God doesn't govern the punishments of Hell, Satan does because he hates you. But soon God will turn it around and Satan will be in his created torment come judgment day.

My goal isn't to condemn you into accepting God. What I want to do is show you the true meaning of Christianity. By showing you God's unfailing love and to try and put the desire in you to know Jesus Christ. And I'm hoping that through this style of witnessing you will want to accept God for who he really is and not out of fear of Hell. Because I think when you try to scare some people into accepting God you force some people to turn away in hate, in spite, in shame, in anger, in remorse, in jealousy, in envy, in many many ways. This creates a tough barrier to overcome for everyone in the future and the person of concern. Fear is not the reason to follow Jesus.

John 3:17 For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him
John 3:18 Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because he has not believed in the name of God's one and only Son.
John 3:19 This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but men loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil.
John 3:20 Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that his deeds will be exposed.
John 3:21 But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what he has done has been done through God.

Please understand John 3:20 "Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that his deeds will be exposed"


You don't have to be ashamed of who you are to come to Christ. God will forgive you and that shame will become your tool of strength.

Please think about what I am telling you. God never forced any creation of his to do anything. He ask and we answer willingly because He is Just and Righteous and Worthy of Worship.


Now I know I'm fishing in Ray Comfort's pond and I really love and admire his work at Way of the Master. But it doesn't work for everyone and that being mostly hard line atheist. So please give me a chance to show you and talk with you about our Creator. I've got a website at with open forums that everyone is more than welcome to visit.


I think a majority of the men in the modern world have faced this demon. More times than not have we fallen into its bitter-sweet embrace. Our eyes loves to look upon an attractive woman. It's in our programmed nature to seek out a mate and at the same time it's our nature to sin and seek out things that are wrong. By the actions of man and the help of Satan, God's design has been twisted into a horrible thing. My friends would steal their dad's adult magazines and by 12 years old I had seen enough to make me seek it out for a good chunk of my life.

Some would disagree with me here saying pornography is bad. Tell me this then, why would you make this a secret from your father, mother, grandmother or grandfather? Why would you spend precious time away from your wife, family, friends, or children to see something you find embarrassing? Why do you feel so worthless in your heart after viewing this material.
You can become desensitized to these feelings. Lead to believe this is alright while pushing yourself into a life long battle for yourself. This is the same problem that drug addicts face. They hate what they become but are addicted to the feelings and only find relief in it's use. You've seen the pictures of a meth addict and how they have faded into a shell of their former self. That is the exact same thing that is happening to your soul.

There's a Christian website that you should check out called Step carefully there if you're not having trouble with pornography in your life. This is a bold face attempt to turn people away from porn so you may be offended by the material.

Guys the thing is you need understand there is a way out. There is a way to overcome our weakness and heal the wounds that this has created. It only comes by understanding that what you are doing is a sin and it's something you can not overcome on your own. You have to fully surrender to God and accept Jesus Christ's payment for your sins. Pray for his help in ridding you of this weakness and it will be instantaneous if you are truly sincere. Now it will take years for the scar to fully heal, in other words the temptations are going to still come at you so you'll have to protect yourself from them. For a scar that is young can easily become infected again. But once you do ask for God's help your life will be so much brighter and fulfilling that you'll never want to go back to those old ways again!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

What's next...Phrenology?

I know this isn't a religious post but I've been working on something good for the last few days. See if you find this as pretty funny as I do.

OK check the article below from
These researchers spend all this time studying people and the length of their ring fingers to say it may predict financial success. This leads me into thinking they will soon start to give merit to Phrenology.If you don't know what Phrenology is, it's the study of bumps on a persons head. Get your head start, a put a guide over to the left haha!

Length of Ring Fingers May Predict Financial Success

Monday, January 12, 2009

WASHINGTON — The length of a man's ring finger may predict his success as a financial trader. Researchers at the University of Cambridge in England report that men with longer ring fingers, compared to their index fingers, tended to be more successful in the frantic high-frequency trading in the London financial district.

Indeed, the impact of biology on success was about equal to years of experience at the job, the team led by physiologist John M. Coates reports in Monday's edition of Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

The same ring-to-index finger ratio has previously been associated with success in competitive sports such as soccer and basketball, the researchers noted.

The length ratio between those two fingers is determined during the development of the fetus and the relatively longer ring finger indicates greater exposure to the male hormone androgen, the researchers noted.

Previous studies have found that such exposure can lead to increased confidence, risk preferences, search persistence, heightened vigilance and quickened reaction times.

In a separate study last year, Coates and colleagues reported that the hormone that drives male aggression and sexual interest also seemed able to boost short term success at finance.

They studied male financial traders in London, taking saliva samples in the morning and evening. They found that those with higher levels of testosterone in the morning were more likely to make an unusually big profit that day. Testosterone, best known as the male sex hormone, affects aggression, confidence and risk-taking.

In the new study, the researchers measured the right hands of 44 male stock traders who were engaged in a type of trade that involved rapid decision-making and quick physical reactions.

Over 20 months those with longer ring fingers compared to their index fingers made 11 times more money than those with the shortest ring fingers. Over the same time the most experienced traders made about 9 times more than the least experienced ones.

Looking only at experienced traders, the long-ring-finger folks earned 5 times more than those with short ring fingers.

While the finger ratio, showing fetal exposure to male hormones, appears to signal likely success in high-actively trading that calls for risk-taking and quick reactions, it may not indicate people who would do well at other sorts of financial activities, the researchers said.

Some traders require additional skills on dealing with clients and sales workers.

And the advantage may even reverse for some, Coates team said, such as traders taking a more analytical and long-term approach to the markets.

One study, which looked at average finger ratios in university departments found that faculty from math, science and engineering exhibited longer index finger ratio, rather than ring finger, they noted.

Monday, January 12, 2009

The Suffering Christian

There are a lot of people that don't understand the suffering Christian. Many of those are Christians and they find it hard to understand why troubled times come to them. They think that if they follow God to the T, everyday should be cotton candy and lemon drops. They quickly find it discouraging trying to live a Christian life.

My good friend Robert gave me a book based on A.W. Tozer's writings, and he said:

We are all idealist. We picture ourselves a life on earth completely free from every hindrance, a kind of spiritual Utopia where we can always control events, where we can move about as favorites of heaven, adjusting circumstances to suit ourselves. This we feel would be quite compatible with the life of faith and in keeping with the provoleged place we hold as children of God

In thinking this we simply misplace ourselves; we mistake earth for heaven and explect conditions here below which can never be realized till we reach the better world above. While we live we may expect troubles, and plenty of them. We are never probmised a life without problems, as long as we remain among fallen men....

What then are we to do about our problems? We must learn to live with them until such time as God delivers us from them. If we cannot remove them, then we must pray for grace to endure them without murmuring. Problems patiently endured will work for our spiritual perfecting. They harm us only when we resist them or endure the unwillingly.

I'm going through some financial hard times. I pray about it daily hoping bills fall on the right days so my paycheck will come at the right time. It wasn't until I was given this book did I really understand and appreciate my suffering. If there are things bothering me I recognize the problem and pray for guidance and grace to get me through. I no longer worry about the issue because I ask God for help. Now I don't throw the problem under the rug but knowing these things the problem sits differently with me. As I grow stronger every day my troubles will be less trying on my soul and my prayers grace will turn to praise and my praise will turn to work for his glory. Then when the next trial on my faith comes along I know we can face it again together.

God motivates and strengthens us in many ways. We stand strong with God and push through the tough times. Then, when we come out the other side things will be so much sweeter.

Monday, January 5, 2009

God's reponses to prayer

This is a response I had to a member posting over on Ray Comfort's Blog

The Topic is "Mistakes About Medical Mistakes"

Blogger Don said...

Ray said ... "God is not like us. He is infallible. You can trust Him implicitly. He will never disappoint you. Ever."

Where's your evidence Ray? I'm not going to dispute your figures about how many die due to medical mistakes.

But please explain to me why this infallible God that one can trust implicitly to never disappoint allows so many to die from medical mistakes?

I'm sure quite a few of those who died from medical mistakes prayed and prayed to your God to make their surgeries a success. And probably had many people praying for them.

So why does your God continually allow "mistakes" to kill these people?

Is it because the people getting the operations aren't true Christians in your sense of the word and don't deserve God's help?

Is it because one or more of the praying friends where not the acceptable type of Christian and therefore their prayers nullify any "real Christian" prayers?

Is it because the doctors or someone on the staff might be Jewish or of another religion and God doesn't want to help them?

Or are the doctors not the right type of Christian?

And what about all the other deaths. Is it your God's will that people need to die these horrible deaths? Is it because of your celebrated original sin? I thought your buddy Jesus was supposed to take care of all that?

Since you seem to be in direct communication with your God, why is he such a lame duck when it comes to taking care of his people?

If someone has cancer and they put their trust in God and pray and pray and pray for a successful operation, why would your God ignore this?

January 4, 2009 9:31 AM

Blogger Dory said...

Don, The problem with most people that see God as "failing to answer prayer" is that they just don't understand the nature of prayer. It's like in the movies, you know, "God if you save me now I'll be in church on Sunday". That's trying to strong arm God and it's not going to happen. Or the prayer is self centered (greedy) or simply against God's will (just my time to die). Some people pray to God out of fear of death but don't want to live the required life. Also if I called you a cowardly stupid fool and said bad things about your mother would you give me the time of day much less save my life? So how can I expect God to answer my prayers if I treat him like this?

We have pushed God out of our society, out of our schools, out of our courts, out of our government, and out of our lives. Then you want to blame God (or rather not believe in him) for not protecting us. We as a nation told God to go away and we don't need him. So God, as requested, removed his hand of protection from our nation and the number of people dying and the number of disaster has increased over the decades.

Listen to me here, I testified to this to my pastor last night... Sunday before last I wasn't going to go to Sunday night service at the local nursing home. It was new to me and I wasn't sure I really wanted to. Really old people aren't the liveliest bunch. Also I wasn't paying attention to the clock and I was going to be like 10 minutes late anyways. So I argued it over in my head but I know God was telling me to go. So I went. After the service I headed home and seen a guy on the side of the road trying to change a tire in the dark. Car after car passed by and I would of also but God pushed me and I turned around. Come to find out him and his pregnant wife with a young dog was shivering in the cold trying to change this tire with a broken jack. My tools weren't in my truck so I gave them some extra light and made friendly conversation while we waited for their parents to arrive. I know I was part of God's answer to a prayer that night.

What you pass off as good will or circumstance isn't as it always seems. I'm telling you if you give Glory and Praise God when good things happen your life will be so much better. But you need to understand even the most true hearted Christians suffer. God brings us closer to him and makes us grow in many ways. What if we didn't have the Martyrs? If Christians were not willing to suffer and die for Jesus this religion would of vanished long ago.

I will tell you this, why does a atheist suffer? I don't know.

Why does a true believer suffer? For the Glory of God in a way we can only hope to understand.


Noble, God isn't responsible for mans free will.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Virtual Reality Reality

I find it odd that in this day and age we spend more time out of reality than in it. When was the last time you considered the lilies of the field? Honestly now think about it.

As a member of the USAF I have a couple hundred co-workers. They are constantly hanging out in my office and shooting the bull. A majority of the time they talk about computer games mainly World of Warcraft. Now I use to be one of those guys that spent every waking moment playing games. I was a avid Everquest and Ultima Online player for several years. I loved playing the Quake and Unreal series games. But as I look back I can see for several years I was also neglecting my wife and son.

The thing is these games are taking a large toll on our lives. Just look at the recent news related to game deaths. Yes people die playing these games.

Here 2 kids in this article have died for over exertion. Here a Korean couple's 4 month old daughter dies while they game away. These deaths are always popping up in the news.

How big is this gaming addiction problem? World of Warcraft claims to have 11.5 million subscribers as of December 2008. So if you took the total number of people in both New York City and Los Angeles combined you'd have that many people currently playing World of Warcraft.

That's JUST World of Warcraft. There are at least a dozen other Massive Mutliplayer Online Role playing games out there. Then if you toss in all the other games that aren't MMORPG you have a staggering number of wasted hours. As a matter of fact the other day in Church we was talking about how busy we've gotten over the decades. How when our parents were young we had more family time. More sit down and relax time. More time for Church and Friends.

Today we bombard our very existence with pointless waste of time. We sit in front of the computer surfing till our wrist hurt. We sit in front of the TV till we need glasses to see. My son in fact gets rather upset when he don't have the computer or XBOX to play on. All he keeps saying is "I'm Bored" and I have to get authoritative with him and force him to go outside or read a book or play his trombone. When I was his age you couldn't keep me inside I loved going out in the wood riding my bike or taking my BB gun outside. I've got to make a change in my kids lives because this is already getting out of control.

I know this isn't something my kids are going to enjoy but what choice do I have. This time they spend burning brain cells instead of studying God's Word or learning something that is useful isn't showing me being a good parent. I know God don't approve of this way of life. It's times like these I can really admire the Amish.

Friday, January 2, 2009

How BIG is the universe?

Over on Ray Comforts blog he posted a good question on 1 Jan 2009. I quote: "I would like to hear your quantitative answers as to how big the universe is, what light is, and what life is."

First off since we have no way to calculate the size of the universe. Neither using Red Shift or Gravitational Lens calculations, X-Ray, Radio, or Infrared telescopes; nothing in the arsenal of NASA, Russia, ESA, or China can detect any hint of an end to the know universe.

To even begin to calculate size we have to assume there is a limited number of galaxies in the universe. Think of it as filling a invisible jar with balls to get a ideal of the volume of space the jar envelopes. With all the technology in at our disposal scientist estimated 125,000,000,000 (that's 125 BILLION) galaxies in -1999-. Later on shuttle missions added a better cameras to the Hubble Space telescope and astronomers were able to see a estimated 3000 galaxies in the visible range of the new camera. That 3000 is more than likely a well rounded up number that is probably well under 2501. Anyways, if they can see 3000 galaxies that's only a mere fraction of 1% of their own estimate.

Now we have to figure the size of the average galaxy. If your still with me we have to put a average size on all these balls filling our invisible jar. NASA scientist estimate that is around 100,000 light years across. According the the Ask an Astrophysicist website. This math is already beyond my simple mind since I really suck at all things math.

So what we have estimated so far is that the universe may contain 125 billion galaxies that are on average 100,000 light years across and 3000 light years thick. But then we still have all this space between the galaxies that's called intergalactic space. Andromeda is the closest galaxy to our own Milky Way galaxy and it's 1,600,000 light years away. Again more math than I could even begin to understand since you have to figure that number is only a straight line where what we need is volume. I'll have to search more for the average distance and cube that to give us a very rough guess. But that in itself could take a considerable amount of time to even come remotely close.

By now you're probably wondering what exactly is this light year I've mentioned a few times is. Well a light year is the distance a beam of light can travel in the vacuum of space in one earth year. Some very smart folks figured this out and come up to it being about 5.88 trillion miles. If you like zeros it's closers to 5,878,786,100,000 miles with a hefty amount of rounding up.

Time for another recap:
Light year = 5.88 trillion miles
Galaxy = 100,000 light years across and 3000 thick on average.
125 billion galaxies estimated with space between them.
intergalactic space = XXX light years cubed

I don't think there is a super computer built yet that can even begin to calculate this out.

One thing is certain a lot of people have made a lot of assumptions.
Main Entry:
as·sump·tion           Listen to the pronunciation of assumption
Middle English, from Late Latin assumption-, assumptio taking up, from Latin assumere
13th century
1 a: the taking up of a person into heaven bcapitalized : August 15 observed in commemoration of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary
: a taking to or upon oneself of a new position>
3: the act of laying claim to or taking possession of something of power>
: arrogance , pretension
5 a
: an assuming that something is true b: a fact or statement (as a proposition, axiom, postulate, or notion) taken for granted
6: the taking over of another's debt

If you take away definitions 4 and 5 pulling out the guessing and and arrogance of these estimates you see these uncommon uses:

1. The taking up of a person into heaven - Jesus ascended into heaven in Acts Chapter 1
2: a taking to or upon oneself - Jesus took our sins upon himself
: the act of laying claim to or taking possession of something - he took possession of our sins, cured our diseases and healed our wounds.
6: the taking over of another's debt - Jesus paid our debt for our sins.