Saturday, January 24, 2009

How hot are you?

So I was thinking about how many churches are on fire for God. People show up Sunday morning and have a quite well organized service. They don't want to upset anyone or really bring anyone new in. They sing a few songs and pass around the offering plate. Then let out at 12:00 sharp because they have a roast in the oven. Might as well attend a PTA meeting.

Then you have some churches that are really big but try to cater to everyone they can because there is strength in numbers. They preach good heart warming sermons to keep the numbers up because heating bill won't pay themselves. They have huge and impressive buildings the tower over the streets below. But then, the numbers are so great nobody knows anyone unless they happen to live in the same neighborhood or work at the same place.

Some Churches are on the brink. One single person could speak up with a "Praise the lord!" and the place could burst into a wonderful melody of glorious praise for a short time. They are close to being exactly what the church needs to be but can't quite grasp the plan God put before them. Sort of lost most of the time, wandering looking for the right path.

Then you have the less common Church that radiate the heart of God. You can feel the presence of the Holy Spirit in these places. You almost want to fall on your knees or jump with delight here. Almost everyone sings. Almost everyone prays. The youth are on fire inside the church but tend to be someone else outside and everyone else leaves God at the door.

These rare churches are packed with fire billowing out the door. God can not be contained here. He's spoken of with reverence and praise. The youth are on fire the congregation never want to leave. They work constantly to reach out to the lost. It's not about the building or saving face. They have found that true purpose of the church is not to be contained with in the walls but to be out searching for the lost. So easy to obtain because this is what God wants!

Jeremiah 23:29

Is not my word like as a fire? saith the LORD; and like a hammer that breaketh the rock in pieces?
JeremĂ­as 23:29

¿No es mi palabra como un fuego,dice Jehová, y como un martillo que quebranta la piedra?

Check yourselves. If you don't feel the power of God in your life every waking and sleeping moment you need to core focus. We all as Christians should be showing the fire in our souls openly to everyone on the face of this planet. We should be overjoyed at Church.

God give me the boldness and strength to show my fire to everyone! Amen. I know it's hard and I am fighting my own limitations that I place on myself. And for those who know me in person, know this time is now. I have promised to push forward for Jesus Christ. God is first.


  1. "Then you have the less common Church that radiate the heart of God. You can feel the presence of the Holy Spirit in these places. You almost want to fall on your knees or jump with delight here. Almost everyone sings. Almost everyone prays. The youth are on fire inside the church but tend to be someone else outside and everyone else leaves God at the door.
    These rare churches are packed with fire billowing out the door. God can not be contained here. He's spoken of with reverence and praise. The youth are on fire the congregation never want to leave. They work constantly to reach out to the lost. It's not about the building or saving face. They have found that true purpose of the church is not to be contained with in the walls but to be out searching for the lost. So easy to obtain because this is what God wants!"

    When I was a christian there were churches like that around. We were told by our pastor that they taught falsehoods. Typically they were "prosperity cult" churches that taught that you would get whatever you prayed for, because that was promised in the Bible.

    Isn't a good, fundamental, scripturaly correct but sleepy church netter than a fired up heretical one?

  2. If a church is Good, Fundamentaly sound, I would think it would be anything but Sleepy...When Jesus raised the young girl from the Dead. People laughed at him fro even trying they said she is dead but Jesus said she only sleeps..many people will say that the church of today is Dead and they laugh at the thought of even going, thinking it is pointless. But I tell you She is only sleeping....soon the church will rise up and all will see it is alive...The one instruction Jesus gave the people was to FEED HER>>...If Church of the living God would push past buffets and feed on the words of God it would regain the strength and claim the victory that awaits it.
