Wednesday, January 14, 2009


I think a majority of the men in the modern world have faced this demon. More times than not have we fallen into its bitter-sweet embrace. Our eyes loves to look upon an attractive woman. It's in our programmed nature to seek out a mate and at the same time it's our nature to sin and seek out things that are wrong. By the actions of man and the help of Satan, God's design has been twisted into a horrible thing. My friends would steal their dad's adult magazines and by 12 years old I had seen enough to make me seek it out for a good chunk of my life.

Some would disagree with me here saying pornography is bad. Tell me this then, why would you make this a secret from your father, mother, grandmother or grandfather? Why would you spend precious time away from your wife, family, friends, or children to see something you find embarrassing? Why do you feel so worthless in your heart after viewing this material.
You can become desensitized to these feelings. Lead to believe this is alright while pushing yourself into a life long battle for yourself. This is the same problem that drug addicts face. They hate what they become but are addicted to the feelings and only find relief in it's use. You've seen the pictures of a meth addict and how they have faded into a shell of their former self. That is the exact same thing that is happening to your soul.

There's a Christian website that you should check out called Step carefully there if you're not having trouble with pornography in your life. This is a bold face attempt to turn people away from porn so you may be offended by the material.

Guys the thing is you need understand there is a way out. There is a way to overcome our weakness and heal the wounds that this has created. It only comes by understanding that what you are doing is a sin and it's something you can not overcome on your own. You have to fully surrender to God and accept Jesus Christ's payment for your sins. Pray for his help in ridding you of this weakness and it will be instantaneous if you are truly sincere. Now it will take years for the scar to fully heal, in other words the temptations are going to still come at you so you'll have to protect yourself from them. For a scar that is young can easily become infected again. But once you do ask for God's help your life will be so much brighter and fulfilling that you'll never want to go back to those old ways again!

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