Monday, January 19, 2009

Importance of Proper Training

Today I had the distinct honor of having several vials of blood taken from my arms to conduct HIV and other blood test. The young airman taking the blood tied the rubber strap around my bicep and searched my arm for a fat vein. Then he asked if I had drank much water that morning because he's having troubles finding a good vein. I answered that I hadn't drank much since it was still early. I don't care to watch them take the blood so I focus on something else while he continues.

So anyways he poke my arm and fishes around to pierce a vein but nothing comes out. Not a single drop of blood. So he removes the needle and goes to my other arm. Put the band on my bicep, smacks my arm a few times, and pokes the needle and hits the vein. One vial fills, the second fills but it's slowing down, the third vial gets a drop or two and stops filling. He starts wiggling the needle and pushing around and it's starting to get rather painful. He's confused and quickly says oh that's enough and puts a band aid on my arm and sends me out.

Do you see where he went wrong? He never removed the band from my bicep so there was no blood flowing into that vein.

If this young man would of applied proper training he would of completed this Job quickly and achieved better results. Also experience and proper supervision would of helped him and his patient not suffer so significantly. I have seen people nearly die because someone did not properly follow technical data. I have seen millions of dollars in damage because someone was not giving proper attention to detail. I've been lucky enough to be in the right spot at the time to stop a person who thought they knew what they was doing but they was doing it wrong and could have caused an aircraft to crash.

Jesus tells us:

Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age. Matthew 28:19-20

Do you see that...Teaching them.

Before we teach them we need to be properly trained. This is a requirement for me in the military. Before I can train someone I have to be proficient and qualified on the task first. If I'm not both me and the person I am training could get hurt.

This directly applies to us Christian. We're commanded to go forth to all nations and teach them. There are several training tools out here on the web and probably the best tool is your Bible. You may need to look at several modern translations to find the one that is best for you to understand. I like the Bible called "The Evidence Bible" from You may find "The Message" Bible easier to understand or the popular NIV version.

Also check out for good instructions on how to witness. You may need to tweak the process a bit for you but it's a really solid way of witnessing. Also you need to understand that your personal experience is a wonderful tool to use with friends and family.

It's very important to know what questions a non-believer is going to ask you. So you might want to search out some atheist websites and prepare for the hard questions. Some people will purposely try to trip you up with asking questions like "Why does God allow Christians to have cancer?" Why do children suffer and die of disease?

If you want to discuss this pop over to the main website using the links at the top of this blog.

God Bless Guys!

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