Saturday, January 17, 2009

Ghost and Hauntings - Spiritual Warfare.

I've been long interested in the study of Ghost and the paranormal. I've actually done some ghost hunting long before this current rash of entertainment you see on TV. I've read plenty of books and done a wide range of research online. Now I know many Christians will think of this as messing with demons, black magic, witchcraft, etc., things that are better left alone. This is true but when I was a young boy my grandfather died from a car accident. After he passed away I know he went on to Heaven but for some reason my Grandmothers house developed a haunting.

This is what would happen. When we was in the front room we all could clearly hear someone open the back door to the porch, walk across the porch and then hear the door open to the house, walk into the kitchen, down the hall and then stop just short of the living room. This I know was residual spiritual energy of my grandfather and it was always happening. Why it was there is what sparked my interest. Now I don't interact with the spirits, I never have and I never will. I don't hold any desire for those dark ways. The Bible clearly says we are not to mess with them in Deuteronomy 18:10-11. So scroll down some and continue reading.
The Bible talks of Ghost and confirms they do exist.

Luke 24:38-40 “Why are you frightened?” he asked. “Why are your hearts filled with doubt? Look at my hands. Look at my feet. You can see that it’s really me. Touch me and make sure that I am not a ghost, because ghosts don’t have bodies, as you see that I do.” As he spoke, he showed them his hands and his feet.

There, Jesus says "Ghost", which to me shows there are in fact Ghost. He didn't say demon or devil here and I'm sure if Jesus did mean demon the translation would of held that.

1 John 4:1-2 Dear friends, do not believe everyone who claims to speak by the Spirit. You must test them to see if the spirit they have comes from God. For there are many false prophets in the world. This is how we know if they have the Spirit of God: If a person claiming to be a prophet acknowledges that Jesus Christ came in a real body, that person has the Spirit of God.

Here we are told to test the spirits as in the scripture above because they are not always as they seem. That's why you need to understand that spirits come in different forms. Demons, Angels, Ghost, and in this scripture the Spirit of God, The Holy Ghost.

Hauntings are evidence of a spiritual world. Records have flooded history and they are still coming in to this very day. I've had experience with Ghost through photographs and audio recordings. I've visited cemeteries and gloomy places after dark to catch photographic evidence. You should know demons also like to impersonate and this includes the dead. That's why you should never mess with Ouija boards or hold a seance. When you do this the demons can freely attach themselves to you with little or no effort at all. This doesn't mean that they can't effect you because they can even effect a Christian if they fail to maintain the armor of God.

Deuteronomy 18:10-11 And do not let your people practice fortune-telling, or use sorcery, or interpret omens, or engage in witchcraft, or cast spells, or function as mediums or psychics, or call forth the spirits of the dead.

There are powerful spirits and weak spirits. Good spirits and bad, and bad that will act good just to get you to interact with them. They have many ways abilities that can effect your spirit and mood. They can oppress you with depression, doubt, fear, anxiety, nervousness, and forgetfulness just to name a few ways. Not to mention they can effect you physically as well such as headaches, aggravated pains, or twitches.

Something I want you to understand is people of little faith or are unbelievers should not mess with or try to force a spirit out of another person or place. That is extremely dangerous for you and them.

One of the TV shows I watch most is on Discovery Channel and it's called "A Haunting" which is a show that only recreates on the events that have happened. They do a pretty good job since I've seen them do reenactments of hauntings I've read about some time before. My point is time and time again people on this show who try to force the spirits out only anger or stir up the spirits making matters worse.

Spiritual Warfare isn't a game. If you don't know where you stand spiritually with God or you don't know how to pray for spiritual defense you need to find someone who does and who can teach you. One place I have been researching is, there are several books and local churches (I suggest Protestant) that can help you as well. But the best book you can read is your Bible. First things first though, You have to turn your life over to Jesus, repent and turn away from your sinful life, and trust in him. Completely accept God with your whole heart and confess that this is something you can not defeat on your own. That is the key to this, but if you are not sincere and do not follow through with your commitment to God the spirits will know and will come at you ten fold.

I'll still be working on this as this is a very broad and somewhat dangerous topic. If you have any questions you can email me through the links on my website and I can put you in contact with people that can help you or I can direct you to information. If you have problems don't hesitate to post on my website forums asking for prayer. The forum is being watched by several friends in several churches all around the world and we can have hundreds of people on your side in a matter of hours.


  1. Dory,

    Over at Atheist Central, you said;

    "What Ray and several of us are trying to do is show you God in fact exists."

    That's cool; go ahead!

    "Like I said in another post, it's going to be impossible to convince most of you through the proof of creation. I can't prove God to you through the change in my spirit because that is in my soul."

    It's only 'Proof of Creation' if you believe there is a Creator to start with. If there is something specific within the universe that you think is definitive evidence that the universe was Created by God, I'd like to know what it is.

    And no, you can't use your personal revelation as proof because, it's just that; personal. You wouldn't believe my personal revelations, would you?

    "I think the strongest pull we as Christians have is the Proof in Miracles."

    Great; show me some Miracles!

    "Guys I'm tired of arguing theory. God is fact and I want to get you the facts you want to see."

    Sorry, which theory were we arguing? God is clearly not a fact as a fact is something that is independently verifiable through objective inquiry. You have yet to demonstrate that God is a fact.

    "So if we as Christians are able to give you the definitive proof you need as atheist, would you consider changing your beliefs?"

    As atheists, we have no 'beliefs' regarding the supernatural. That's a pretty defining characteristic about atheists; we lack a belief in deities.

    If you were able to present definitive proof of God then yes, I would have cause to reconsider my current position which is that I have not seen any evidence to suggest the existence of gods, including the God of the Christian Bible and therefore I hold no belief in any god.

    Fire away Dory, the floor is yours...


  2. Very soon Matt very soon. I'm working on making the connections so I can pull the reports from the fields. It's there. Bringing it to you all is the challenge.
